Magic Lube


Silicone based lubricant and sealer formulated for use under the most adverse conditions including salt water. Extremely durable, non-hardening and non-carbonizing used on most metals, rubbers and plastic. Magic Lube is water proof and chemical resistant.

  • Model: AL650
  • Shipping Weight: 1lbs
  • Manufactured by: Royal Spa
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Magic Lube silicone-based lubricant and sealer formulated for use under the most adverse conditions including salt water. Extremely durable, non-hardening and non-carbonizing used on most metals, rubbers, and plastics. Magic Lube is waterproof and chemical-resistant.

  • 1-oz.
  • Model: AL650
  • Shipping Weight: 1lbs
  • Manufactured by: Royal Spa

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Weight 1 lbs