Want to sell the best hot tubs and spas on the planet?

Become a Royal Spa Dealer

Royal Spa Authorized Dealer

Royal Spa hot tubs and spas are a high-end luxury product. We’re looking for dealers and representatives to represent our brand well.

Two Classifications
  • Dealer/Distributor: Has a retail location, Dealer responsible for inventory, delivery and service

  • Manufacturers Rep: No retail presence, Dealer responsible for delivery and service.

  • No minimum purchase quantity (need one? buy one!)

  • No up charge for custom orders

  • No retail location required

  • Exclusive territories

  • Free training

Request to Become a Dealer

Want an opportunity to sell our line of products directly to your customers? Please fill out this form and we’ll schedule a phone call or a visit to the factory:

Become A Dealer
Which product(s)?
Select your interest(s)?